Cerwin Vega DX 1 Floorstanding Speakers
Cerwin Vega DX 1 Floorstanding Speakers
[Apr 24, 2014]
Audio Enthusiast
Picked up these speakers used and in need of woofer surrounds. Purchased replacements from Simply Speakers and it certainly came to life......Decided the tweeters were to harsh compared to my maggies (3.6QR), so GONE are the horn tweeters in favor of 3/4 inch titanium JBL dome tweeters.....And lo and behold, a vast improvement. Figuring that the crossovers were old and possibly needing new caps, I had a donor pair of Boston A40 Series two crossovers that I had recapped for such an adventure.......Guess what? Audio Nirvana! These are WITHOUT A DOUBT the finest sounding Cerwin Vega eight inch two way bookshelf speakers in this hemisphere! Of course the soundstage is not a large as the Big Maggies, but the sonic clairity is right there.....And by right there, I mean just as defined and uncolored and near perfect. Took a $10 set of used vinyl clad speakers, refoamedthe woofers for $25, added donor tweeters and crossover with new capacitors, and they are absolutely spectacular. Best valued bookshelf speakers I've ever had/heard.....Wonder what some of our previous bookshelves were before the Maggies? Try Paradigm Studio 20 and 40's, JBL L4410's, Apogee Centaurus, Monitor Audio AE-1, & Dynaudio DM 2/6 to name just a few of these others I/we have owned. Not a one of them can play ALL types of music as well as these after the mods.......Although some of these other speakers can play CERTAIN types of music sometimes extraordinary, they cannot best the modded dx-1 for all listening....Including AM/FM broadcasts.....Cannot rate these speakers 5 stars because they are not factory original.....If you are able to acquire these items, you can save yourself literally tons of time and $ wondering where is the best price point for small speakers with excellent sound and a WAF that matches no other. I realize that many of these readers will never be able to own, spend, or compare these high quality audio items. In my lifetime I have spent over 150K on home audio equipment. What's incredibly about these modded speakers is that they do not require esoteric audio to power them. Simply an above average electronics, Kimber speaker wire and interconnects, and you too can laugh at the HI-FI industry. One note that you should know is that the original crossover point was 3000khz, new crossover point is 3500khz. Best of luck to all of you! |
[Oct 23, 2004]
Bob Shannon
Gosh Matt, I didn't realize how ignorant and unrefined I was. Thank you for pointing it out. I was just wondering what kind of equipment you use. Do the French make speakers? |
[May 28, 1999]
Matt Stoan
an Audio Enthusiast
This was the first hifi speaker I ever got, back when I was in eigth grade. My dad bought them for me on my birthday and I paid for the JVC reciever and CD player(the first of the titanium finish series). Alot has changed since I finished junior high, high school, college, and off in life. But it was this speaker with lots of '80s, big hair rock (Winger, Metallica, etc.) that sent me down the road of home audio. I can't listen to Cerwin-Vega or Motley Crue anymore, aside from reminiscing a little. They are a good speaker for rock or rap and the cabinets are built much better than most stuff in thier price range. I've since given them to my father and he listens to Jim Croche and Neil Diamond on them. I give them three speakers. I really don't know what to rate them as. But thinking about these speakers makes me step back and look at some of the snobbery that goes on in this hifi industry. Everyone goes through phases in thier lives and different facets of peoples' minds develop in different ways and at different times. Whether or not we all gravitate toward the same end and just take different roads to get there or if we just take different roads that go thier own way forever is still turning in my mind, and has for quite some time now. But for all of you (and I include myself in this category) who think "how can anyone listen to that shit," try to look back and remember what your first speakers were and what sound was important to you for the longest time before you became an audio freak and went over the edge. I'm not saying people who like these "lesser" products are in a more primitive stage or anything of that sort. It all boils down to value. Civilizations are built upon these; the French like things one way and Americans (for some reason I exclude myself from that category) like things a different way. Is one really better than the other? In some ways we could probably make convincing arguements and each could learn alot from the other, but alot of it is just differences of preference. Just let some things be. Don't tolerate; to tolerate implies one holds thier values as superior, but will put-up with the others values. Just let it be. This is an assumption, which no assumption is safe, we all want to be happy. Therefore, if one is happy then another really doesn't have anything to argue against. If someone thinks Harman/Kardon's reciever with a .001% THD rating is high-end, let them, no harm is being done. One could argue that they need to be enlightened for various reasons, that ignorance is thier happiness and not built to last, that they must be educated the sooner the better. We do not know the nature of the world we live in. Yes, the "Allegory of the Cave" suggest we enlighten ourselves, in a nutshell, but what is enlightenment. In time, the more we search for something the more elusive it becomes. Yes, we have an idea of how atoms work, but we don't know what those subatomic particles really do. And in the world of ideas the basic concepts we use, words, become ill defined at times. What is a good definition of "experience," or of "love." Surely you have met someone who has been and done everything but yet they still appear to know nothing; and then their are people who've pretty much done one thing their whole life and seem to always have the right answers. Look them up in the dictionary, think about them. We use those words quite often, but what do these inferred symbolisms really symbolize. Knowledge is based on our perception of reality. We make this world more than it makes itself. How many different dimensions are in this universe? I forget, but its at least a couple dozen. How many can you name/percieve? For most of us probably the three physical dimensions length, width, and heigth, (assigned however you want them) and a time dimension. What about the others? How different would our world be if they existed in a more evident state? Did we who prefer higher end stuff enlighten ourselves through our audio journey? Not really, we just desired something more/different through time. If anything we are less happy because we a notorious for playing this upgrade game and for being upset for people we percieve as ignorant in this business. Are we really ahead? I'll stop talking because I'm probably pissing alot of you off with too long a review. Besides, I usually write better. As a finishing not though, the only reason we usually have "issues" with others is not because there really is anything ethically or morally wrong with them, but that they just aren't like us. Consequently, we don't interact well with them and tension arises. Opposites do not attract, likes do; in the world of people anyway. Studies have actually been done on this. As I said earlier, three stars is as good as any. |
[Oct 27, 1997]
Mike Steeves
an Audiophile
100W, 8ohm, 8" woofer, 1" horn tweeter. |