Granite Audio 800 Amplifiers

Granite Audio 800 Amplifiers 


  • Output power: 8 watts x 2 channels
  • Input impedance: 100K
  • Output impedance: 4, 8, and 16 ohm
  • Frequency Response at 8W: 20Hz to 25KHz


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[Dec 18, 2008]


Just heavenly musical.


Well it's no big name and no sexy gimmick look.

I owned many 300B amps before...and auditioned many others...this rates as one of the very best.

Granite Audio is no big name like Audio Note nor Cary, its product not super sexy looking. But what you paid for is superb workmanship, quality, and a truely sweet and musical amp.

The 8wpc SET rating on this amp is truely previous 300B amps like Audio Note, Cary, ICL, Welborne Labs all sounded like 4wpc. I have to drive them hard to get good attack on some Mahler tutti passages. The Aspen 800 sounds much more authorative...may be the most authorative of all.

(I know I must be nut to use an SET amp to play Mahler or Bruckner - but the sound from 300B is too glorious....EL34 nor 6550 just doesn't do justice to the Mahler sound).

Comparing to other SET amps that I owned before....this Aspen 800 is easily in the top 3, with the Gamma Rhythm (an British made, 211-based SET) the best sounding of all. This amp will stay in my setup for a long long time.

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A few others I don't quite remember (that means they are too average to be

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