Black Diamond Racing Pyramid Cones Mk. 3 Others
Black Diamond Racing Pyramid Cones Mk. 3 Others
[Apr 09, 2003]
Audio Enthusiast
Minimizes distortion, increases everything better resolution, dynamics soundstage, deeper bass, extended highs, detailed mids etc. For me, MK3 worked well with Cd player and MK4-MK3 combination worked for power amplifier and rack sitting on granite. Speakers enjoyed MK4.
Not detected yet. It is a painful process to judge which combination of MK4 and MK3 suits best for each component. MK4 is stronger in details and has a linear character but in bright systems it increases harshness etc, MK3 is smoother and is better with bright systems but less detailed wrt MK4. This is my 2nd review for mk3 and mk4. I made further improvements in my system. First I put granite under the audio rack which is Finite Element's Pagode, carrying all my equipments even my big power amp Audio Research VT-200 at bottom. Previously the rack was sitting on the carpet. This improved dynamics and soundstage significantly, but with metal spikes under the rack the sound was too bright. I put a combination of MK4 and MK3 cones under the rack over the granite, and the result was so satisfactory. Then I put a second block of granite under my power amp and a combination of MK4 and MK3 between them. A huge improvement again, details, dynamics, soundstage all improved. I changed cones under my cd player from MK4 to MK3 and also put BDR Source Shelf under my cd player and another set of cones (all MK3) under the shelf and pagode rack. Marvellous! Source Shelf is something every serious listener should consider. A big step over cones. Finally I put granite and mk4 under my speakers which originally sitting on the carpet with ordinary metal spikes. It was such a significant experiment for me how distortion due speaker movement was degrading the sound. Total result is a very dynamic and detailed system with a better soundstage without being too bright or over-analytical. Black Diamond Source Shelf and cones gave me the sound that I have never realized or dreamed before with the same equipments I have. A very serious upgrade due to lowering distortion. Definetely recommended. Do not attemt to upgrade your equipment unless feel confident about distortion performance of your system! |
[Aug 26, 1999]
John Lum
an Audiophile
Ugh! I just hate this warm, fuzzy sound. Why do audiophiles insist on hearing such distortion? For better sound, please use the Mk. 4 version. |
[Feb 01, 2000]
ManSeng Lai
Midrange bloom, 3D imaging, Cures the flat sound of CD's
System dependent. Sounds slightly FAT on my system. I tried using these cones under my CD player, DAC, Preamp, T.Table etc. and it does improve midrange roundness, bloom and #D soundstage. |