Monster Cable Monster J2DVD-CHP10 Video Ultra-Hi Res Component Video Cable Speaker Cables

Monster Cable Monster J2DVD-CHP10 Video Ultra-Hi Res Component Video Cable Speaker Cables 


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[Feb 03, 2003]


None. Hope for a liberal refund policy from your dealer.


Very poor color performance, obvious chromatic distortion, looks even worse on a quality tv, subtle ghosts along outlines, and on and on.

I have to confess, after having wasted good money on pricey Monster audio (and, fortunately, was able to get my money back), I tried this MonsterCable component a/v set. Really, now, Monster isn't kidding: they really do charge up to $69.95 for this 5-dollar product. I was so enraged at the poor video from this product, I told the store salesman I'd never shop there again until his store stopped pushing MonsterCable and started carrying other brands. The color balance and flesh tones, overal noise levels, not to mention a number of subtle but visible visual distortions on DVD movies and cable, the loss of contrast, blocking up of reds and shadows, and the grungy sound from their audio wire -- I replaced this product with a $12 set from Radio Shack, only because my cat chewed up the originals that came with my DVD setup. Believe it or not, the picture was better with both the RS cheapies and the originals. Monster had great stuff 10 years ago; those days, I fear, are no longer with us.

Similar Products Used:

Radio Shack component A/V (not RS Gold). Generic OEM stuff (cats seem to love it). Overpriced BetterCables component a/v.

[Jun 01, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast


None, comparing to any other cable.



I'm assembling kind of mini home theather system and just recently added a new Sony DVD player and 27 inch Panasonics TV set. I wanted a high quality component video cable to connect the two and I have got Monster component video cable. I have connected my DVD player to TV and enjoyed the newfound clarity of the picture for a while. Then I have connected an audio-video cable that came with DVD player to component connections of my TV and DVD - big surprise here - there was no difference whatsoever between the $7 and $70 cables. I have connected those cables back and forth for about 20 times hoping to see any difference - colors, sharpness, anything, but the picture was really identical.

I guess, my TV is too small to note any differences, but this Monster Overpice cable goes back to the store. I wouldn't even pay 15 bucks for it.

The previous reviever certainly works for Monster - review looks like PR material from the manufacturer.

Similar Products Used:

$7 SONY video-audio cable

[Jan 14, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast


does incredible seperation of the base colors used to
display accuracy of colors thru the base red, green, and blue hues that in which uses these colors to also make
other colors. the quality retention from these cables
maximizes what my tv can display because of the thick
outer shielding and the seperation of the conductors
inside of the cable makes best for clarity and accuracy of
colors. the cables are sautered together and not glued and
gold plated which conducts signal extemely well.


many lower end tvs do not carry component in. usually
newer higher end tvs have the capability along with
most dvd players.
high definition tvs is best with component in which is
the newest type of tv either then the only video products that utilizes component.
if you don't have your tv with this capability the try
the s- video connection which is second best. but in
monster quality which is about 20% better picture over
inexpensive ones

previos to using monster power using first a low end
s-video connection among other inexpensive cables
on a high quality tv i thought looked good enough.
then after seeing a demonstation at a seminar displaying
monster products with non- monster products amazed me.
like a gush of warm wind on a beautiful day rather
than that feeling of looking through a dirty window
on a rainy night while driving. you know that easier
to see through window on a rainy night as opposed to
a dirty window that i strain to look through. yeah, i
guess clear viewing vs. staining to view is just a
pleasantness to have and so is which i discovered
with monster and that junky stuff.
also i would say pick from usually three different
levels of cable for your products. like for your
inexpensive stuff use the basic monster cables and
midgrade for midgrade stuff and for highend stuff use
the best monster offers. monster can offer the best
for your needs in practically every cable you have
with you electronic products.

Similar Products Used:

monster audio cables, monster coaxiel, and monster
power surge protectors with clean power for best
overall performance of your products. also the
surge protectors come with warranties that cover up to 50,000 dollars.

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