Creek Audio CAS 4040 Integrated Amplifiers

Creek Audio CAS 4040 Integrated Amplifiers 


2 x 40 watt (8 Ohm)


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[May 30, 2009]
Audio Enthusiast

O.K. how should I begin ? Some people know me that I am a Class-D amp freak since I discovered these amazing Tripath amps. I can imagine myself that Class-D amps with ICE Power or UCD Modules are also offering much value for money. In my last music session I connected the over 20 year old creek with my little Allison Al 105. I was surprised about this musicality and rhythm came out from the speakers.
Sound appeared well in front of you. The bass was very tight and pressured but anyhow a bit sponged. Also the soundstage was not exact and located even though it was very big in vertical line. I can describe this Creek amp (and this is valid for another creek amp I owned) like a meal with a great taste but not the "haute cuisine" because it mixes the sauce with salad and the potatoes to an mixture which really tastes good. The real High End enthusiast on the other hand demands just another hard guidelines to be complied. However: my respect for this old cheap creek and I actually don´t like the most (even more expensive) conventional Class A/B amps. This complies with an statement from a german forum member who said:
" I dealed in the past with much Audio equipment but the creeks were the most successful and convinced my customers more than even much more expensive ones"

Beeing iquisitive I hooked my Tripath Class-D Winsome Labs Mouse (review also here) to the same system.
Compared to the creek it sounded a bit thinner (the creek throws this fat bass) and I missed this musicality sweet stream of the creek. These were the points the Mouse lost. In other disciplines the Mouse won obviously:
like width and locating soundstage, bass control, dynamic, clarity and transparency. The Mouse obviously could comply some highend disciplines though it is cheaper than the old creek (330 USD).

CONCLUSION: these both amps offer you nearly unbeatable value for money. The one tastes good and the other grabs straight to the highend areas ...

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